
Erasmus + is a programme funded by the European Union and proposing measures to support the European activities of higher education institutions, including the exchange of students and staff.

Staff for training to Granada :

This activity supports the professional development of teaching and non-teaching staff in the form of training events abroad (excluding conferences) and job shadowing/observation periods/training at a partner institution.

Staff for training scholarships can be implemented by administrative or teaching staff in Departments or Units of UGR in case candidates are in contact with their colleagues from UGR and can have a work plan, or by participating in any of the planned Staff Training Weeks.

The University of Granada is organizing several International Weeks along 2020. You can find all necessary information and dates at :

Please note that the application period for ALL the above mentioned training events will open from 9th January to 9th February 2020.

To apply candidates must go to this link, click on Acceder como invitado go to the second page, and choose the option Solicitud PAS/PDI - IN / Apply for UGR. Then click on New User : Staff Training Week, fill in the details and save.

NOTE: Please note that Registration fee for each training event is 200€ (Waivers for participants from from Arqus partner universities and from lower-income countries. See list here.)

Registration fee includes the following services :

  • Tuition
  • Materials
  • Certificate of participation
  • One evening reception in Carmen de la Victoria residence in Albaycin quartier
  • Closing “tapas”
  • Coffee breaks
  • Guided visits

Staff for teaching to Granada :

This activity allows the partner university’s teaching staff to teach at the UGR and vice versa and it may be in any subject area/academic discipline (staff should provide an invitation letter from a Department at UGR). In case applicants are not in contact with their colleagues at UGR who would provide them with a pre-acceptance letter, please kindly ask them to visit the link below to be informed on steps to be followed and required documents.

Documents to download :

 Documents to provide :

  • CV
  • Copy of passeport
  • Contrat staff mobility

Please bear in mind that the duration of individual mobility is 5 working days, plus 2 additional days for travel.

Hard copy files must be submitted to the Vice Rectorate of External Relations before 05/02/2020 :

Do not hesitate to contact us if you want more information on :

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Vice Rectorate of External Relations

Oran University Ahmed Ben Bella


Revue de presse 2024




Dépliant formations LMD

Appel à Candidature


Rencontre internationale

reservation salle

Réservation salle

reservation salle 

Demande de VISA

reservation salle


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2025-02-05 14:53